Mr. A S Dangalle
Academic/Professional Qualifications
LLB (Sri Lanka)
Associate member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (AIB-)
Fellow member of Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (FIB)
Executive Diploma in Business Administration (University of Colombo) 1
Certificate Course in Training and Development (IPM)
Post Attorney Diploma in Banking Law and Insurance Law
Associate member of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (AIB-)
Fellow member of Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka (FIB)
Executive Diploma in Business Administration (University of Colombo) 1
Certificate Course in Training and Development (IPM)
Post Attorney Diploma in Banking Law and Insurance Law
Professional Experience
38 years’ of experience in banking service including 5 years in training division as a faculty member.
25 years’ experience in working as a resource person
25 years’ experience in working as a resource person
Current Employment
Former Assistant General Manager Bank of Ceylon
Research/Articles/Books published