Fellows and Senior Fellows of the IBSL
Those who hold the AIB title and complete obtaining the required working experience are eligible to apply for Fellowships and Senior Fellowships.
Senior professionals in the Banking and Finance with exceptional contribution for the progress of the industry could be rewarded with the Honorary Fellowship upon nomination and approval of the Governing Board of the IBSL.
This enables IBSL members to use the world recognized following appellations after their names as appropriate.
Fellows, Senior Fellows, and Honorary Fellows are recognized at the Annual Convocation of the IBSL.

Membership Category (Life Memberships)
Membership Title
Membership Fee
Associate Membership
AIB - Sri Lanka
50,000 LKR
Fellow Membership
FIB - Sri Lanka
100,000 LKR
Senior Fellow Membership
FIBs - Sri Lanka
150,000 LKR
Honorary Fellow Membership
FIB (Hon.) - Sri Lanka
Not applicable
Eligibility requirements for Applying for Associate/Fellow
Senior Fellow Membership / FIBs Sri Lanka
To become a Senior Fellow Member an applicant should;
- Be a Fellow Member (Life /Active) with a minimum 5 years’ Fellow membership OR
- Be an Associate Member with a minimum of 15 years’ post-Associate Member experience and be in the Top managerial positions (Board Member /Chairman /CEO /DGM /AGM positions ]) in a Bank /Financial institution AND
- submit his /her application duly recommended by CEO /Head of Institution /Chairman
- Satisfy the IBSL Board as to his /her fitness to become a Senior Fellow based on his /her specific performance, training, and other professional contribution to the industry
Honorary Fellow Membership / FIB(Hon) - Sri Lanka
- Election of Honorary Fellows shall be exceptional in order to maintain high and prestigious standards of the award
- Honorary Fellowships shall be awarded only to those who are not members of the Institute but have held top managerial positions in Banks /non-bank financial institutions or Corporate Sector and has rendered outstanding services to the industry and the country
- Nomination and approval is by the IBSL Governing Board considering professional & outstanding contribution /services rendered to the industry
Fellow Membership / FIB Sri Lanka
To become a Fellow Member an applicant should;
- Be an Associate Member (Life /Active), AND
- Be in the position of AGM/DGM Grade or above in a Bank/Financial institution or Non-Financial institution involving business operations connected with Banking & Finance OR
- With a minimum 10 years post Associate Member experience in a Bank /Financial institution or Non-Financial institution involving business operations connected with Banking & Finance AND
- submit his /her application duly recommended by CEO/Head of Institution/Head of HR
- Satisfy the IBSL Board as to his /her fitness to become a Fellow based on his/her specific performance, training, specific and other professional contribution to the industry