Diploma in Islamic Banking

27 July 2025 (Sunday 8.30 am to 12.30 pm)
100 Enrolled
108 hour

Course Overview


1. Understand the rationale behind the development of the Islamic finance industry
2. Assess the nature and scope of the Islamic finance industry in relation to its conventional finance
3. To develop an appropriate level of understanding of the key principles of Islamic banking and finance
4. To acquire essential knowledge about the key Islamic financial instruments and contracts
5. Understand the primary tools for structuring Islamic financial transactions
6. to develop and appropriate level of understanding of the Islamic financial infrastructure,
international financial institutions and regulatory bodies


Course Contents

Module I: Understand the basic principles, values and ethical dimensions of Islamic Banking & Finance 

1.1. Understand the basic principles, values and ethical dimensions of Islamic Banking & Finance

1.2. Understand the History, future outlook and international bodies of Islamic Banking & Finance

Module II – Sharia Framework for Islamic Banking                        

2.1. Understand the framework of Sharia and its sources

2.2. Know how to apply the conditions of Islamic commercial law for Islamic banking & finance products and services

Module III – Islamic Banking Products and Services                        

Understand the basic structuring of Islamic Banking products

3.1 Intermediary role by the Islamic Banks in an Economy

3.2 Different Operational Structures of Islamic Banking

3.3 Islamic modes of  Investment / Liability Product

3.4 Islamic modes of  Finance / Asset Product

3.5 Current accounts in Islamic Banks

3.6 Business Banking Operations in an Islamic Bank

3.7 Trade Finance in Islamic banks

3.8 Fee-Based Products

3.9 Treasury Operations in an Islamic Bank

Module IV – Takaful (Islamic Insurance)  

4.1. Understand the basic of conventional Insurance and Takaful and as how Takaful is  different from Insurance

4.2. Explain the different models of Takaful & issues faced by the sector

Module V – Sukuk Market             

5.1. Understand as how the Islamic Bond (Sukuk) is structured and different types of Sukuk

Module VI – Islamic Funds and Wealth Management             

6.1.Understand the basic requirements of capital market investors & different types of Islamic funds

6.2. Know how to apply the Islamic Finance principles to white list the shares and monitoring  the  investments

Module VII – Corporate Governance for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions                       

7.1. Understand the Corporate Governance framework for banks

7.2. Understand why CG is vital for Islamic financial institutions (Banks, finance companies & Takaful operators)

Module VIII – Accounting for Islamic Banks                         

Understand the Accounting framework for Islamic Banks

8.1  Definition of Islamic Accounting

8.2  The key differences between conventional & Islamic accounting

8.3  Introduction to AAOIFI Financial Accounitng Standards (FAS)

8.4  Profit Distribution Methodology – Case Study

8.5  Accounting treatment for selected instruments in the locacl context

Module IX – Credit & Risk Management in an Islamic Bank            

Understand the need for Credit & Risk Management in an Islamic Banking Operation

9.1  Introduction to Credit & Risk Management

9.2  Credit Documentation for selective instruments

9.3  Different Types of Risks in a Bank

9.4  Inherent risk in Islamic banking instruments

9.5  Sharia Risk Profiling & Register

9.6  Islamic banking product related risks and mitigations

9.7  Non-Performing Advance (NPA) management in an Islamic Bank

Module X – Regulatory Supervision, Sharia Governance and Audit            

10.1. Understand the need for Regulatory Supervision for IFIsUnderstand the Shariah  Compliance Risks

10.2. Know the International Standard setting bodies for Islamic banks & financial institutions

Module XI: Special Topics   

New Product Development: Market Need, Sharia Approval Process and Islamic Branding and  Marketing

Islamic Micro & SME Financing

Islamic Social Financing



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Manjula: +94 766 536 700 (manjula@ibsl.lk)
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