Diploma in Corporate Banking

25 May 2024 (Sunday 1.30 pm. 5.30 pm.)
100 Enrolled
96 hour

Course Overview


To equip the participants with a sound understanding of operations of Corporate Banking to perform the duties efficiently and effectively.

Course Contents


Module 1         Role of Bankers in lending to corporates with more focus on the regulatory requirements

Module 2         Importance of having effective mechanism to monitor Money Laundering and Terrorist


Module 3         Different types of Corporate Facilities and effective methods of recovery

Module 4         Different types of Financial Markets challenges.

Module 5         Importance of Risk Management and Corporate Resilience

Module 6         Money, Inflation, Interest rates and deposit mobilization

Module 7         Alternative sources of Financials, Monitoring & Controlling of Lending

Module 8         Measuring Corporate Performance

Module 9         Effective Management of relationships



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44 Courses

Kavindu: +94 768 202 857 (kavindu@ibsl.lk)
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