Course Overview
- To provide participants with the necessary knowledge, skills and tools for the development of a quality credit culture among microfinance institutions (MFIs), which will facilitate financial inclusion and growth.
- To provide opportunities for the participants to enhance their knowledge and skills in microfinance to increase their career development prospects
- To provide opportunities for professionals to specialize in Microfinance and gain a competitive edge over the others in the market.
Course Contents
Module I Economics concepts and policies on economic growth and development
Module II Current status of microfinance industry in Sri Lanka
Module III Target Markets for microfinance services
Module IV Delivery methods of Microfinance
Module V Microfinance products designing
Module VI Financial Literacy
Module VII Role of Government and Central Bank for the development of Microfinance
Module VIII Commercialized Microfinance
Module IX Laws relating to Microfinance operations
Module X Identifying and understanding of financial statements
Module XI Analysis of Financial position of a Financial Institution
Module XII Management concepts of Financial Institutions
Module XIII Good governance of Microfinance Institutions
Module XIV Regulation and Supervision methods of a financial Institution
Module XV Regulation and supervision of Micro Finance Institutions
Module XVI Project Report