Course Overview
This course is designed with the objective of providing a comprehensive knowledge and exposure for the participants to become a competent credit officer to handle all areas of credit management. The main areas are,
- Understanding of the credit evaluation
- Assessment of Risk associated with credit
- Techniques of mitigating risks
- Repayment of loans
- Management of recovering defaulted loans
- Management of various types of traditional and modern hybrid lending products.
Learning Outcome
At the end of the programme, the participants will be able;
- To understand the concepts and apply the best practices in Credit Management
- To analyze source documents and prepare impressive and convincing credit proposals using modern credit evaluation techniques,
- To make sound credit decisions in evaluation, risk management and recovery
- To perform as educated and confident credit professionals
Course Contents
Module 1 – Introduction to Lending Business; credit policies and credit culture
- Introduction to Lending business
- Role of Asset and Liabilities Committee
Module II Principles of Credit Management
- Principles of Lending
- Types of Borrowers and eligibility of borrowers
- Classification of Advances
Module III Credit Appraisal
- Customer evaluation
- Credit Rating Analysis
- Customer Evaluating techniques
- Evaluating Business Customers
Module IV Financial Statement Analysis and Interpretation
- An Introduction to Financial Statements
- Calculation of Ratios
- Interpretation of Financial Statement
- Accounting Techniques for Credit Decision Making
- Financial Projections
- Introduction to Working Capital Finance
Module V International Trade
- Introduction to International Trade
- Financing Import Trade
- Financing Export Trade
Module VI Risk Management
- Introduction to Risk Management
- Risk Mitigation Instruments / Methodologies
Module VII Securities Management and Documentation Procedures
- Introduction to Security Management
- Types of Securities
- Valuation of Securities
- Legal Aspects of Securities
Module VIII Remedial and Recovery Management
- Introduction to Recovery and Remedial Management
- Post Sanction Supervision / Monitoring and Follow up
- Recovery Options